RHOM: Rumors

This week’s Real Housewives of Melbourne opens with Chyka and Lydia meeting for lunch. They discuss Lydia going to Florence for her son’s wedding, but the conversation turns to Chyka telling Lydia about her meeting with Janet and Gamble. Lydia hasn’t heard any of the rumors that Chyka tells her about, and she’s especially surprised that Chyka is repeating gossip when she was the one last season trying to stay neutral and play peacemaker. I think the main reason why Chyka brought it up is because when Janet said that she heard rumors about Gamble, Chyka had no idea that she was going to the place she went. For Chyka, the only rumors she had seen was in the papers, dealing with a court case between Gamble and an ex, not her being a stripper/call girl/holder of sex parties. She had no idea that Janet was going to say all of these really awful things that were rumors.

Jackie is having a video shoot with her husband to find the new look for their cocktail brand, La Mascara, which she can’t pronounce properly each time. Jackie gets a little frustrated because she’s getting direction from the director, and from her husband at the same time. Ben ends up hiding behind a couch because he was laughing from the shoot. Then, Janet comes in to watch, and Jackie feels a sad vibe from her. Janet tells her about what happened with Gamble, asking what she sees about the relationship. Jackie drops a truth bomb about how Gamble is really feeling, and I think she’s probably pretty accurate because it’s how normal people would feel if someone repeated vicious rumors. Janet blames the situation on Chyka, like it was all Chyka’s fault for bringing it up at the table, but she thinks Chyka is able to get away with everything. Janet invites Jackie to a golf day, and after hearing Jackie’s advice, is going to invite Gamble too.

Gamble was invited to a fashion parade, which I wasn’t sure what that meant, but I had assumed it was a fashion show. She’s getting ready because she’s not going to let the situation with Janet and Chyka stop her from going. Both women have been calling and texting her, but she’s been ignoring them because they need to learn not to mess with her family, home, and happiness.

Pettifleur has her friend Charlotte over at her apartment, and this friend does her eyebrows for her, and is supposed to be writing the book Switch the Bitch together. They’re writing their parts separately, but Pettifleur doesn’t think that these two parts will blend well together, so she proposes just writing separate books since they’re both going separate directions with their ideas. Pettifleur claims that writing the book has healed her, and she wants it translated into Chinese because it’s a huge market, and there are Chinese bitches that need her help. I get that Pettifleur is calling all women bitches, which I really don’t have a problem with; it’s just a bit much. However, in the politically correct world of the U.S., I don’t understand why she’s calling out a certain country. Also, I’m not sure how wise her decision was to cut off her friend who does her eyebrows from writing the book because Charlotte could straight up ruin her eyebrows. Maybe I’m just paranoid, but I don’t believe in pissing off whoever does your eyebrows.

The runway show is at a mall, and Jackie and Janet are the first to arrive, followed by Gamble. Gamble says that she’s happy to see Jackie, but doesn’t say anything to Janet, who immediately says what you aren’t happy to see me. It immediately starts with Gamble calling Janet a liar, but Jackie slows things down by asking what happened. Janet blames Chyka for bringing it up, but Gamble thinks that Janet is making up the rumors. Gamble just starts going off, saying that Janet has sex for heroin, and “Don’t fuck with me darling.” She admits in her one-on-one that she was just saying things because she wanted to make Janet feel bad, to understand how she felt, and ruin her life. In this moment, I could completely relate to Gamble. She’s hurt; she’s feels like someone is coming for her family, so like a cornered animal, she is lashing out, not caring how far she could take it just to get back at Janet.

Gina shows up and she doesn’t know what’s going on. She points out to Janet that she was flirting with Gamble’s partner at their mystery dinner party, but Janet acts like she wasn’t really coming on that strong. Janet is happy to sit next to Gina when the fashion show starts, who has Gamble on her other side. Gina brings up Janet’s flirting with Gamble, who says that she wasn’t surprised that it happened, and that she doesn’t care about it. After the show, Jackie encourages Gamble to talk to Janet about how she’s feeling. Meanwhile, Gina confronts Janet about the things that she supposedly said at her birthday party, but Janet denies it.

The two groups of women converge, and Gamble keeps waving her arm above her head saying that Janet told “Everyone in Melbourne” about the rumors, and that everyone has been saying them. It’s clear that she’s still very pissed off about it because she doesn’t care that they’re in public and she’s making a scene. Janet tries to apologize again, which she’s been trying to over the phone calls that Gamble’s been ignoring. Gamble refuses to accept Janet’s apology, so Janet decides to leave because she feels like it’s over and done with. Gina believes Gamble over Janet because she knows how Janet can be.

Lydia is staying out of the gossip and drama by becoming an ambassador for Shane Warne’s foundation, which helps children. She needs to learn how to play poker, which she says that she does at home with her kids, but then says she’s probably playing Uno with them, not poker. It’s clear that Lydia doesn’t know how to play poker and is having trouble learning the terms, but it is pretty funny to watch her trying to cheat and maintain a poker face.

Gamble talks to her partner Rick at home about how she was upset after the confrontation with Janet at the fashion show. He advises her not to blow up on people because that can be used against her to prove that the rumors are true. He acts as the voice of reason, soothing her, which makes them seem perfect for one another. It’s sweet, and I’m jealous because that’s what I need: someone to calm me down. Gamble decides to talk to Gina about the issues with Janet and Chyka because she’s known them for longer. She brings up golf day because she can’t understand why Janet would invite her to have golf clubs that near to her car.

Chyka is at home with her daughter trying to fix her closet. She buys too many things, which is clear since she has a huge closet and has turned her son’s old bedroom into her dressing room, and it’s stuffed full of shoes, handbags, and clothes. I mean seriously, how many black boots do you need? Chyka admits that she has a problem since she hides some of the things that she buys from her husband. She also has to hide things from her daughter, who borrows her clothes without asking, and lies about it, until she’s photographed wearing them.

Janet meets with her friend Manuela, who apparently is the queen of Melbourne society, and makes a rude remark about Janet’s hair. I mean, she did have a point, but was it necessary to point it out? I don’t think so. Janet admits that she’s “too scared to be enemies with her.” She says it as a joke, but I feel like there’s probably some truth to it. When Janet tells Manuela about the meeting with Gamble and Chyka, Manuela thinks “that’s not like Chyka” to bring up rumors. When Janet continues to tell her about how Gamble threatened to sue Janet, Manuela just laughs, and she keeps making jokes about Gamble being a stripper. Manuela also backs up Janet, saying that she’s heard the same rumors that Janet has.

Gamble and Gina have dinner to talk about Janet and Chyka. Gina wants to collect the facts, since she’s a lawyer who deals in fact not friction according to her tagline, and Gina thinks that Janet is making the rumors up. Gina also thinks that it’s not that surprising that rumors come up after the mudslinging that occurred in the court case between Gamble and her ex. There’s a good chance that there are people trying to defame her character because of that. Gina also thinks that Janet is jealous, but thinks they should have a sitdown. Gina offers to do it for Gamble, which is probably not the best choice for the group to move forward.

In next week’s episode, Gina and Janet are having it out about Gamble. The ladies have their golf day with everyone playing nice to get through the day. Jackie really sucks at golf, which is hilarious, but frustrating for her.

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